Blacks at High Risk for COVID-19: A Public Health Outreach Initiative


During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Virgen Health Science Center International (VHSCI)—now known as the Black Catholic Health Research Institute (BaCHRI)—launched a critical public health education campaign to address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black communities. Research showed that in many urban areas, up to 70% of COVID-19 cases were among Black individuals.

To combat misinformation and promote prevention, we developed accessible, culturally relevant health materials, including this flyer, which emphasized:
Prevention strategies such as mask-wearing, handwashing, and social distancing
Managing pre-existing conditions (diabetes, hypertension) to reduce severe illness risk
Addressing stress and anxiety, which were heightened during the pandemic

One of the key features of this campaign was the use of visual storytelling to make health messages more engaging. Inspired by the Visual Recognition Exercises of Mythic Thought (VREMT) methodology, this flyer used narrative and imagery—like the story of Mr. Brown, a Black man with diabetes and hypertension—to illustrate real-world risks and solutions.

📌 Key Takeaways from This Outreach Initiative:
COVID-19 disproportionately affected Black communities due to systemic health disparities.
Culturally relevant health education was crucial in encouraging prevention and vaccination.
Storytelling-based public health messaging helped underserved communities make informed health decisions.

Download the flyer below.

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